Thursday, November 26, 2009

Which flash batteries should I use?

Using a flash provides a whole new world of creative possibilities when it comes to photography. However, you can spend a small fortune on batteries. I was using Energizer e2 AAs in my Canon 580Ex, but at $20 for a pack of 4, the cost soon added up. Then when I started shooting with 2 flashes, the cost doubled.

You can find Energizer rechargeable batteries everywhere in Australia (Coles, Woolworths, etc). So I gave them a go. The problem is that they lose their charge at a significant rate when not in use. So if I charged them up on Monday, they would only be 50% ready to go by the weekend.

Then came along Sanyo eneloop batteries. These are a game changer. I don't know how they do it, but Sanyo claims that they keep 85% of their charge over a whole year. From my personal experience, this seems to be the case. I will often only shoot on weekends and can go for a month or 2 before having to recharge my eneloop batteries.

Sanyo eneloops tend to die quickly rather than fade away in my 580ExII. This is good, because you want a fast recycle time right up to the point when the batteries need replacing. Some other batteries gradually slow down as their charge get used up.

Sanyo eneloops will cost a little more to start with, but they will pay for themselves in no time. I have 16 of them (2 sets for 2 flashes).

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